On Cohesion Simulation

Reasons for using the Greek Phalanx to implement cohesion framework

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The specific combat unit selected to be modeled in the computer program will be the classical Greek phalanx circa 650-338 B.C. This particular unit was selected for experimentation for of the following reasons:

The cohesion that existed among the individuals within a phalanx, known as hoplites, accounts for much of its success on the battlefield. The confidence that grew out of the bonds between the hoplites allowed them to endure the sight and sound of combat (Hanson 1089, 117-118). Therefore, if the cohesion among the hoplites in a phalanx can be modeled and measured, insight can be gained into how cohesion affects the performance of combat units.

Phalanx combat during the selected historical period tended to be between similarly armed combatants. A hoplite within a phalanx from any given Greek city state would be armed alike, with a rounded three foot shield, called a hoplon, and an eight foot spear. The hoplite fight with similar tactics of forming into a column, usually eight ranks deep, where protection would be found in the form of the accumulation of shields to the front rear and sides (Hanson(1995), 297). Therefore, if the opposing phalanxes are modeled with similar organization and tactics, the differences in technology, weapons and tactics can be removed from the equations and ignored. A direct comparison of the effect of the cohesion within the units and its effect on the performance can be better studied.

The phalanx formation was closely affected by the stress and fear each hoplite experienced during a combat incident. Hoplites experienced battle fear ranging from violent heart pounding, to a sinking feeling in the heart,to involuntary urination. In Greek warfare each man in the ranks had to
confront the horror of close combat and be able to stand or run depending upon the psychological state at any given time (Hanson (1989), 191).Therefore, the stress effects within a phalanx become important factors for the cohesion during combat and if modeled will add to the understanding
of the overall phenomenon.


Hanson, Victor Davis. The Other Greeks: The Family and the AgrarianRoots of Western Civilization. The Free Press, Simon & Schuster. NewYork, 1995.

Hanson, Victor Davis. The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in ClassicalGreece. University of California Press, Berkley, 1989.

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